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Been a bit quiet online!

Been a bit quiet online!

Posted by Claire on 18th Mar 2021

Sorry for the radio silence!

Since we've been given a re-opening date of April 12th, the paint brushes have been out!  It's amazing what a deadline can do, to spur you on!  

With the addition of yarn, the layout of the shop hasn't been quite right.  Many people were coming into the shop & not even noticing the shelving of yarns, until it was pointed out.  Mainly due to the shelving being side on, to the door.  Unfortunately, due to the shape of the shop, there wasn't anywhere else it could go!  But we also noticed the position of the lovely vintage haberdashery cabinet, blocked half the shop & stopped people going further in, to see the yarn.  So it's been moved!  That then blocked some shelving & so on it went!  Back to the drawing board we went & another pair of eyes (husbands!) helped to see it from a purely physical view.  It was much easier to visualise, once we'd physically moved furniture into place, even if it looked good on paper plans, it wasn't always the best place.

Once some shelving had been removed, the paintwork was definitely in need of freshening up!  So once you've painted the walls, the woodwork looks shabby & on you go...!  The messy bit has just about finished, so the fun bit of putting it back together begins.

There's a bit more furniture to go in & we're waiting on some deliveries from Europe - still!  But hopefully, it will all come together on the 12th, with lots of new goodies for you to see!!

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon!!!  Claire xx